I took advantage of the holidays to catch up on my reading list and just finished "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant.
It's a great book - I love how curious and detailed Grant is as an author and podcaster.
One chapter looks at the school system in Finland and a process called "looping" - where teachers stay with a particular group of students across multiple grades.
➡ "With another year to get to know each student personally, teachers gain a deeper grasp of their strengths and challenges."
Grant talks about the impact of this model (in Finland and other countries) and how it allows for stronger relationships, deeper learning, and a more supportive environment.
And, of course, I thought about fundraising - and fundraising staff retention.
🛑 If your nonprofit has a donor retention plan, but isn't investing in your fundraising team - there are bigger problems at hand.
Retaining and engaging a fundraising team is like looping with teachers - you give your staff more time to ...
💚 learn about and listen to your donors
💚 build strong relationships
💚create an environment where staff and donors feel connected to the mission.
What are you going to do in the new year to keep your staff engaged? Let's talk ....